I just went to the most fabulous, inspirational, affirming and fun Life Coaching conference in Los Angeles. The conference was put together by Mary Manin Morrissey of LifeSoulutions and the guest speakers were Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith & Bob Proctor. All of these coaches have appeared on Oprah & some on Ellen. Some collaborated in the book The Secret. These are people who have been working in this field for 20 to 30 years and some of them are major pioneers on coaching people to success, meeting their goals, finding and living their life's desires. I not only learned and re-affirmed so much as a coach myself, but I also made many connections and I signed up to study for six months with Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. I will be studying the 12 major Laws of the Universe. Just like the Law of attraction in the book the Secret, there are 11 other laws that all come into play in all of our lives. It is just how the universe and humanity work. When you know how to use the laws you can bring your life into balance and more abundance. I can't wait to do this in-depth study to be able to bring more information to my clients.
In Peace & Blessings
Laura Fortino
Bella Body & Mind of Huntington Beach
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